Armchair BEA 2016: Aesthetic Concerns – Books & Blogs

Day two of ArmchairBEA is here and today’s topic is all about the aesthetics of both the books we read and blogs we call our own! Here are my thoughts on it:

The Books:

How often do you judge a book by its cover?

Almost always! Unless I know for a FACT I will love the book. Harry Potter kinda books for example. These kinds of book I buy regardless of the cover.

How often are you surprised by what you find?

Not very often really! But it’s annoying when a cover says one story and the book says another. I chose you for a reason book, do not disappoint me!

Do you strategize and make sure every book in your series has the same cover design (as far as you are able to) and type?

I am not big into having a matching set of books. As long as I have all the books in the series I am good!

How important is it for the visual art on the outside of the book to match or coordinate with the literature art on the inside?

Like I mentioned, if I know the story is good, I don’t mind the cover. But if I am buying a book I have never heard about, then the cover becomes hella important with regards to the story! In fact many times, I buy a book because the cover says something and if the book doesn’t say the same thing it’s disappointing.

The Blog:

As a book blogger, in whatever form that takes, branding is important. Your colors, your fonts, your style of review, all of these things come together to make the “brand” of your blog – something that makes your reviews and posts and websites, all your various content, immediately recognizable to the people looking for you. What do you do to create a brand on your site? Do you think about these things?

What do you do to create a brand on your site?

For now, I am sticking to a simple design with a lot of colors or pops of color!

Do you think about these things?

When I first started off, I didn’t really care much about my “brand”. I guess I was just trying to find my place in the community. Then, I started working in the digital marketing field and realized how important my brand is and started making changes accordingly.  The new layout of my blog is filled with watercolors and I am planning to make a few more changes that will blend in with the watercolor theme!

That’s it! Now it’s your turn!

Leave your Armchair BEA links! I promise I will visit! What do you think about book covers? Are they important to you when buying a book? What is the brand for your blog?

Also, for others looking to be a part of this here is the agenda for the week. Join us!


I just came across Armchair BEA. Since I am all the way in India I can hardly, if ever, attend BEA in the US. Thankfully Armchair BEA came to my rescue. I honestly believe providing bloggers like me a platform to participate in BEA (Book Expo Americais an amazing idea. This is my first Armchair BEA but definitely not the last!

What is the name you prefer to use?

I prefer Sush. Sushmita seems too long! Besides EVERYONE calls me Sush. Hearing my full name sounds weird, even to me.

How long have you been a book blogger?

I will complete a year of being a book blogger in June 2016. I must admit I was MIA for half the year. Life kept me so busy! 😦

Have you participated in ABEA before?

Nope. Like I said, this is the first time I am doing this.

Do you have a favorite book?

One? How can I have just one favorite book?

I will settle for the top three books on my list of favorites. Would it surprise you if I said, Harry Potter? Apart from that gem, I also love The Last Song by Nicolas Sparks and Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov

What is your favorite genre and why?

I prefer contemporary. Among that, I love YA, Dystopia, Sci-Fi, Paranormal and Romance ( I am very picky about these, though).

How do you arrange your bookshelves? Is there a rhyme or reason? Or not at all? (#ABEAShelfie)

I bought a Kindle about a year ago and mostly all my books are on it. BUT, I do have a bookshelf. To be very honest, there is no reason behind how I organize my bookshelf. Although, I do keep books by the same author together, as well as, books in a series are placed in the right order.

What book are you most excited for on your TBR? What are you most intimidated by?

I am most excited about reading Septimus Heap. My friends keep saying its has so much Harry Potter feels to it. So this is the one series I really want to read.

I am intimated by The Book Thief and To Kill A Mockingbird. I know everyone raves about these books and yet I can’t bring myself to read them. They are sitting on my bedside table since months and I just can’t start reading them! I promised myself that I will finish those two this year though *fingers crossed*.

If you could choose three characters to have lunch with, who would they be and why?

This is another tough one! But this time, I will stick to the rule of three.

Hermione Granger

She is the best female character in any book. Period. She was the most loyal friend, she stood up for herself, she was freaking smart, she was an activist and she was a bookworm! I don’t think it gets any better than this. She is such an inspiration to me.I would probably ask her tons of questions and even take notes on how to be badass.

Peeta Mellark

Well, he would be a great boyfriend! He has so many good qualities yet never made me feel inferior as a reader. Instead, he just makes you feel like you are the most important person in the world. Who doesn’t want that? Also, he has blue eyes and I am a sucker for blue eyes.If we have lunch together, I would love to feel important while looking into his blue eyes.

Maxon Schreave

He is such a patient man! He handled so much pressure (being a prince would do that I believe), he went through so much emotional trauma, the woman he loved mistrusted him for the majority of the book and YET he loved her! He turned out to be such an amazing person and a king that listens to his people. I would say he is the kind of leader I would want to be – compassionate and strong!

That’s it! Now it’s your turn!

Introduce yourself or leave your Armchair BEA links! I promise I will visit! How long have you been blogging? What books intimidate you? Do you have a favorite genre? Comment down below with your thoughts.

Also, for others looking to be a part of this here is the agenda for the week. Join us!