What I Learned After I Quit Blogging

I wish I could proudly say I have been blogging for almost a year. I will be celebrating my blog anniversary on 30th June. But, to be very honest this is my 5th month as a blogger because I was on a “hiatus” for the rest of the year (6 months in total). This makes me a highly inexperienced blogger. But since I am back and have been doing so much better with my blog I also have a lot of experience, in a way. I have learned from my mistakes and I want others to do the same.

I Learned Its Time Consuming

When I first started this blog I had just graduated and started working full time which tired me out by the end of the day. Yet, because the blog was new and I was in a honeymoon period with blogging, I came home and wrote almost every day! What I didn’t realize back then was how much time it would take. There is so much to do while blogging: designing the blog, designing the blog title images, making a social media presence, commenting etc

Due to my lack of understanding and a new job, I went into hiatus, not four months after I started. Had I known how time-consuming blogging was, I would have planned better and prepared a game plan, so to speak.

I Learned To Save My Ideas

I can’t stress how important good, original and consistent content is in the digital world. I remember when I first started out, I had so many ideas. I couldn’t wait to put it all out and I did. But I was so wrong! There was soon a time when I was struggling with coming up with original or even above average content. This “burnout” is why it’s so important to space things out. This leads to the next point:

I Learned the Need of a Plan

As a new blogger, I posted whatever idea came to mind whenever I found time. What I learned from my experience as a content marketer in the digital marketing world was the importance of planning. Rather than posting every day, it’s best to plan. A planner is a blogger’s best friend! It’s a great way to plan what and when you will post. Plan a week’s worth of posts on a weekend before.  Planning is so very important for a blogger! If not done, life gets in the way and maintaining the blog itself turns into a headache.

I Learned That Reading Slumps Are OK

Before I started blogging, I never thought I would not want to read. But as a book blogger, reading slumps are inevitable. A few weeks before I stopped blogging, I hit a reading slump and reading turned from being enjoyable to being a job. And soon enough, the little bit I was reading stopped completely. In the excitement of having a new blog I read so many books in such a short period of time, I was simply burned out. Now, I only devour books in a day if I really REALLY love it.

I also have a game plan now, on days I do not feel like reading, I blog. Just not about books, this takes me to my next revelation:

I Learned Its More than Just Reviews

Yes, it’s a book blog but that doesn’t limit you to just writing reviews. There is so much more you can do with your blog. Why not try doing tags, discussion posts, memes, features, or blog about something else you are passionate about other than books! There are so many book bloggers out there who post so much more than just reviews.

For instance,

Alexandra from Twirling Pages posts about various topics related to lifestyle.

Marie from Drizzle & Hurricane Books posts about traveling.

Kath from The Last Reader has product review posts.

And they are all book bloggers!

I Learned To Ignore the Numbers

As a new blogger, I could barely leave my computer alone. Not just because I have so much to write, but also because I needed to see the numbers – the follows, the likes, the retweets, the comments, everything. I needed those numbers to increase as fast as possible. In the process of concentrating on the numbers, I forgot why I started a blog. To write because I love writing and reading! So not feel discouraged if your numbers are low and do not obsess over them! It’s not easy, I agree, but it’s worth it. Keep giving it your best – provide quality content, socialize and comment – and the numbers will eventually come.

Please do not let any of the above points discourage you. This post is meant to help bloggers and soon to be bloggers to avoid a “hiatus”. I realized the hard way this was hard, but I also realized that my passion and love for blogging and reading hasn’t changed!

Fervently Curious Things To Know Before You Start Blogging What are some things you learned on your blogging journey? If you aren’t a blogger, are you thinking of starting one yourself? Let me know in the comments below!



60 thoughts on “What I Learned After I Quit Blogging

  1. Great insights! I’m also a pretty new blogger, and you’ve put into words a lot of the things I’ve learned, as well. Every blog is different, and you get to make yours whatever you want it to be! I’m planning on starting a bullet journal (the craze sweeping the web lately), so hopefully that’ll help me with planning.

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    1. Hi, Joli! Literary Quicksand is so beautiful ❤ I have bookmarked the website so I can keep visiting. I wish I knew every blog is different and that I could do what I wanted to do with my blog back then! But I have learned now and I have many many plans, exciting plans that too! 😀 Yes the bullet journal, I happen to have one myself! They are amazing, you should definitely have one! There is so much freedom with a bullet journal. I have almost finished my second journal is a matter of two months since it has everything from personal to blogging plans in there!


  2. It was really refreshing to read this post. I decided to start one myself a few weeks back and I’m still writing posts to be prepared. It’s harder than I thought because I edit every post a million times and I feel like my ideas are nothing new, but I’ve decided to take it easy and not put a lot of pressure on myself. I’m glad to have found this post 🙂 It was reassuring in a way, so thanks!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi, Esther! I love your name, always wanted to be named Esther myself! I dropped by your blog and it looks good. But you should start posting soon. Don’t stress over million edits. You started blogging because you wanted to because it is fun; please do not forget that. Having said that, it is important to plan. Also, with so many people on the internet, it’s difficult to come up with completely original ideas! Just remember whatever you post, make it your own somehow.

      I am glad I could help you! Please do not hesitate to talk to me if you need any more help. 🙂

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  3. Great thoughts! I think scheduling can be really important. I also always want to post things *immediately* after I think of a cool idea, but spacing out posts and scheduling ahead really helps with the times I’m in minor blogging slump or just can’t think of anything exciting to write about.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Briana. Yes! Spacing out is so very important. Especially during a blogging or reading slump. When we have old ideas left for later we have something to use and post about. I am working on a better blog planner now, to note all my crazy ideas down. It’s so common to have ideas bombard you for days and then nothing! Can’t lose those precious ideas.


  4. This was such a great topic to read, and I’m glad you wrote about your experience. I’m so happy to see you back into blogging! Just like you, I didn’t imagine this would be so time-consuming, and it needs organization and work every single day. Some days, it’s harder than others, and it becomes a job I don’t want to do. Plus, there are times where reading feels like a chore, and I hate when that happens. Thankfully the ups are better than the downs, and it’s always so great to be able to talk about great people JUST LIKE YOU ❤ I can't wait to see all of your wonderful ideas coming soon 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Aww…thank you for thinking I am good to talk to ❤️
      I agree the ups are so much better than the lows! I love that I am back to blogging with so much more insight and experience. Gives me ideas for many more posts!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Hi Sushmita! First, let me tell you that I love your name. ♥ Second, thank you for mentioning me in your post 🙂 I admit that at first I was hesitant to make product/merch reviews but then I thought “wait a minute! It’s my blog. I can post whatever I want here.” 😀 Also, I’m happy to help the talented and great people behind the business especially if I know that they have awesome and must-have stuff. So, it’s totally okay to post whatever you want as long as you’re happy with it and you’re not hurting other people. ♥


    1. Hi Kath! Thank you so much 😀 I remember when I started blogging I thought I can’t talk about anything else but books. Then, I came across a lot of blogs, yours included, and realised it’s okay to make this my place. Considering it is!


  6. This is a really good post! I read somewhere that you should post once a day, and I’ve been doing that for the past few weeks, but it’s really burning me out. I’m staring to think maybe less is more as long as the content is good. Between work and my fiction writing, it’s exhausting. But I love blogging. The community is wonderful and supportive and I love talking to everyone. And reading ARCs is a really nice perk.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I know the feeling. I have read that posting everyday us good to keep getting visitors. But its better to have a few loyal readers who get really good content. And working as a content writer and then writing everyday for the blog is the fastest way to burnout in my opinion. But even with the difficulty the community pushes me forward! They are all so supportive and nice! Hahaha i agree ARCs are a nice perk!

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      1. It’s funny the posts that people read though. It seems like tags are really popular, which surprises me since every site says not to do too many of them. I did a book giveaway this weekend for my blogiversary that I thought would get good response, but it was pretty underwhelming. That was another shocker. I figured everyone likes free books. I guess not. Book reviews are another thing that are less popular unless I’m ranting about them. I tend to skip over them unless it’s a book I’ve read because I don’t want to risk spoilers, so I can see why.

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        1. This is something I have noticed as well. Tags and other posts that are not reviews work really well with the readers. This isn’t something I particularly understand but that’s how it works!

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        2. I guess it’s because they’re more interactive, and you get to learn something about the blogger, where a review can spoil a book you haven’t read. All of my reviews are spoiler free, with the exception of my rants. I’ve only written 2 of those so far. The rest are Raves. I have read some reviews for new books that give away the whole story, which makes me hesitant to read reviews unless I really want to know.

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  7. I recently started book blogging and you’ve captured so many of my feelings! I had no idea it would be so much work! I’m only allowing myself to post twice weekly (since I also work full time), so that helps, but man maintaining the social media presence is such a bore. But reading and blogging about it is still the point, so I’m still loving that 😀 Great post and welcome back!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Ali,
      I know the stress of maintaining and blog and a full-time job all too well. I find, writing for the blog easier but social media is still something I stress about. Especially Twitter!

      Thank you! I hope to see you around more often. Best of luck with your blog. Feel free to ask me anything you need help with. 🙂


  8. Great post, and congratulations on almost reaching your blog anniversary, despite your hiatus! I actually think coming back after a hiatus is SO HARD, so kudos to you and welcome back. 🙂

    These are also some really great lessons! Planners definitely keep me accountable with my blog too, and I totally relate to being swept up in all the numbers, haha.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you 😄 yes the number game gave me a headache back then! Now I just do what I love, write and promote. The perks of working in the digital marketing world.
      I am working on a better planner for myself right now. Hopefully I will make/find something I like.


      1. Ooh, do you work in digital marketing? I do that too irl. 🙂

        Haha, I had a whole search for a planner I’d like to but then I decided to create one myself on Google Spreadsheets. Now I love what I have since I customised it however I like and it has all the functionality I needed. 😛

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        1. Yes. I have been working in digital marketing for about a year now. I have been looking for a planner too but haven’t had any luck so far. I am debating if I should use Google Spreadsheet as well.


    1. I know they can be, but with time and good content the numbers will rise! I promise. I have another post coming up that will talk about how to promote a blog. Hopefully that will help you 🙂
      But for now, just enjoying writing and your books. The rest will happen eventually. 🙂


  9. I took a pretty long break during last summer and I learned that I really miss writing! But blogging takes a lot of time and planning, which I’m still not very good at, so it’s really time consuming. When I started blogging again, I decided to just write whenever I feel like it and not make my favorite hobby an obligation anymore. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Such a fab post, Sushmita! I certainly can relate to this post since I’ve taken 2 hiatuses since I’ve started to blogged (both about a 2 week break). But you’re right, blogging istime consuming and a lot of work. And I absolutely agree that numbers aren’t important; I had that epiphany half way through my blogging career about a year ago (and sort of broke down and wrote a crazy, personal post about it-that I’m now embarrassed by but still relieved that I shared it). But anyway, it felt good to realize that blogging should be for me and not for others. Again, wonderful post and welcome back to the blogosphere!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Summer!I understand why numbers would take over our minds. Its a little discouraging to see other book bloggers with such great numbers and we have measly ones. I went through that as well. And its great that you have realized that the number game shouldn’t take over! Its a relief isn’t it? Makes blogging so much more fun. Thank you! I plan to stay for a lot longer. 😀

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  11. So I’mma take tips from you now 😛 😀
    This is everything that I experience every time I hit a block with my writing or reading habits. It’s super useful to have all that written down so well. Thank you for helping me renew my blogging desires!

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  12. I agree that blogging can be very time-consuming. When I started my blog, it was during a week-long semestral break in school so I didn’t have anything to do. But when school finally came in the way again I had a hard time juggling both blogging and school at the same time. Eventually though I learned to schedule posts, which definitely helped me. 🙂 (In which I would also like to agree on the “saving your ideas” thing. It definitely helps! :D)

    Great post. ❤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I understand that scenario. When I first started this blog, I had just graduated from university and had nothing to do. Once I started working, it got very difficult to manage both. At least you learned to plan and save your idea without disappearing for 6 months! I wish I learned these sooner as well. But it’s better late than never right?

      I am glad you liked the post! ❤


  13. Hi,

    Thanks for the tips for new bloggers like myself. I’ve just started a book blog on WordPress tonight – literally! But I’ve been reviewing books on Goodreads for about four months seriously now and it’s been a lot of fun.

    Do you know any other book bloggers with similar good advice they’ve shared to newbies? Any further insights would be much appreciated. Thank you!

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  14. Thank you for the great post! I’ve been reading, researching, and writing for awhile now. I want to blog so bad it hurts:)! I haven’t gotten very far with my actual blog site setup. I have a question I hope you don’t mind to try to answer. Is it ok to start posting posts before you have finished setting up your blog site? Good luck to you in your return! Ill be following along!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi! You should start blogging! And yes its perfectly fine if you start posting before you have set up your entire blog. Your blog doesn’t have to look very fancy just something you are happy with should be more than enough!
      Good luck and do tell me how the blog is coming along. I would love to read and visit your blog.

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  15. Great post. Really like it. I’m struggling with all of this. But I actually don’t care about it consuming my time because right now it’s one of the things that makes me happy. I wish I could drop out college and spend all my time on my blog.
    And yeah, the stats, numbers. Hate it so much. I wish WordPress makes it appears only one time every week or every month.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I am glad you are enjoying blogging so much! It can be a lot of fun until it consumes you in a way that makes it feel like a chore. At least in my case.
      I hate the numbers too and have learned to ignore them over a period of time.


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